2.1.2 Mineral phase (ᴪ): Quantum Cloud (souls) and
Part 1
The following sections are not presented here, because these contains very important information that I don’t want to publish at this time and in this way.
Therefore, we will start with section 2.1.2 from the third chapter.
I thank you for your understanding.
From Chapter 2
Sections: Emergence of the intangible templates Origin of the material templates
2.2.4 Presentation of the six stages of creation
From Chapter 3
1.1 Four quantum spaces
1.2 Linking the elements of both dimensions
1.3 The original breeds. Generalization of the enforcement of the causality principle
1.4 Time zero
2 Genesis on earth
2.1 Four main groups of quantum clouds (souls) and their life forms on earth
2.1.1 Hydroxyl and carboxyl group, amino acids, proteins and chromosomes
The objective of this phase: acquire experience about structures
(scaffolding) and they constitute.
The earthly souls we call quantum clouds (Q-clouds) for two reasons:
First: because they do not have a fixed shape.
Second: because they are invisible to the eye and belong to another dimension where all phenomena are fluid, floating and constantly in the change phase. Moreover, that word, the soul has been so exploited and misinterpreted that nobody can understand it’s real meaning.
According to Ostad Elahi’s teachings, there are four main groups of quantum clouds, namely: mineral, vegetable, animal and basharic (primary human) quantum clouds, which transform into one another linearly and unidirectionally. That means:
This means that the Quantum Cloud C contains the properties and attributes of both quantum clouds A and B and additionally one or more new properties that have arisen from the interaction between A and B, so the internal activities and those between cloud and environmental factors. But A and B contain in themselves not pure characteristics of C. Now with this premise we can first deal with the analysis of mineral quantum clouds.
As already discussed, the mineral quantum clouds were developed by the primordial electron and two other primordial Fermions, so Ur-up quark and Ur-down quark, under 118 specific interactions and as required, by sharing energy. For example, the primordial electron sent a wave of energy, Ur-up quark two waves and Ur-down quark wave, to form one special intangible template, namely the hydrogen quantum cloud, including a body without biological activities in the material world. This is a short description of the time zero for our example. Exactly after time zero, the time in which both dimensions, quantum cloud and it’s body were connected, the hydrogen atom became activated and functional.
I emphasize that only once did all 118 chemical elements [2] appear in this way and thus the complex living beings, as the main and very first races (templates) on Earth.
All living things on earth at that time can be seen as the very first generation of life. From then each successive generation of every living thing had to arise under effect of the principle of causality. [3] In this context, there were some rules to follow namely:
1- In any case, and occuring in all respects, appear only Q-clouds, then the mass.
2- Q-cloud are such that they have a tremendous tendency to achieve perfection, as they constantly strive for a stable state, which is always a class higher than their current condition. For that reason, they always interact with other clouds, on the one hand to recognize the destabilizing forces (damage-repulsive force) and on the other hand, to identify the stabilizing factors and clouds and to absob them or be absorbed in order to achieve a more stable state (the survival struggle). This makes them more experienced and more complex because their Quantomagnetics are becoming more diverse. The is the only way they are able to form chemical elements in a complicated shape.
I will describe and interpret all these themes one after the other.
3- Mineral quantum clouds can be seen in many different ranks. Each class has its own features, characteristics, experiences and inclinations. They are classified according to a predetermined order, namely, from the lowest to the higher up to the highest and most perfect class (ascending curve). In the mineral phase, we are talking about certain levels. Each level consists of different sequences, and a phase is formed from several levels. Thus, the minerals constitute a phase in itself, equally there are plant, animal and human phases.

4- After the perfection process in a sequence a level or phase, the individual quantum waves separate from matter, in this case from the mineral. As a result of this process, the mineral falls apart and decays. But what remains as a product of this long-term internal and external interactions, is a new, relatively complete in its class, Quantum Cloud, which must actually be regarded as a potential. Such relative equal potentials will attract each other under the influence of profit-attraction force to achieve the next higher stable state.
5- Apart from water and air, the soil is the basis for all ongoing changes between mineral and vegetable main groups.
6- A multiple Q-cloud comes only in the decay phase, if:
a) They have acquired the expected experiences through long-term interactions between the components of the cloud. If this state is reached in these clouds, we also speak of a sequence-perfection at a certain level.
b) The positronic parasites that consists of the joint interaction energy destroysthe whole system and make it unstable.
7- The interaction between two quantum clouds of two chemical elements causes magnetic experience (mineral spirit), so a potential whose first interaction with the surroundings, forms a new Q-cloud (quantum cloud) with a different kind of potential.
8- We must not forget that the quantum clouds of chemical elements, which we have called "intelligence networks 2", usually cannot decay.
The first small primitive magnetic experiences result from interactions between these networks. The decay of these elements occurs only if they have participated in the construction of the structure of matter numerous times and are back to their original state after the structure decay.
[1] A simple and diverse potential, originally from the "intelligence networks 1" has emerged. This term is not defined.
[2] In fact, they must be more than 118.
[3] Minerals are also living things, like plants and animals.
Research and Study: Faramarz Tabesh
Main source: the book "Biology of quantum dimension”
By Faramarz Tabesh
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