Thursday, April 2, 2020

Article No. 14    Holographic decomposition of the 12 fermions
                 and 12 anti-fermions

   Sections 2.2 to will not be presented here, because they contain important information that I do not 
   want to publish at this time and in this way. Therefore, we will start with section

   Thank you for your understanding.

Now you need to discover where the countless fermions and anti-fermions come from. To do this, we need to refer to a paragraph from Ostad Elahi's creation report.

                “... God commanded him [the Mahiaat]: "Give a sign of what the souls react to and descend to their 
                    level so that the world vibrates and (biological) reproduction begins." 
                    [From the thirteenth paragraph]

               “... According to God's command, he gave a sign to the souls, but the souls did not enter into the corpses. 
                   God said to him: “Reflect the image of you and your companions (partners) on every planet, so that 
                   the souls become of your light euphoric and interested in the physical corpses. “ 
                   [From the fourteenth paragraph]

               “Immediately after seeing the manifestation of the Mahiaat and his companions on the planet, the souls 
                 passed out and stepped down in their bodies. According to God's will, the creatures of the planets came 
                 to life and reproduction began.” [From the fifteenth paragraph]

Now it has to be clarified what "manifest on every single planet" means. We know from the hologram teachings that dividing a hologram image results in several smaller image pieces that are identical in every respect, but not in size. This holographic principle can be used to understand how the electron and its eleven companions (partners) have broken down into infinitely small particles that we can usually measure. 

In truth, these twelve powerful beings have not broken down into parts, but like photons radiating from the sun, the forces of these beings appear holographically in the form of uncountable particles. Only 12 types of these particles are known, namely 12 fermions. This is exactly how the original positron and its eleven companions have manifested themselves in the universe.

Research and Study: Faramarz Tabesh 
Main source: the book "Biology of quantum dimension” 
By Faramarz Tabesh 
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Next Subject:  Mutual cooperation between particles and antiparticles

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