Information about this article:
A presentation of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)"
Subject Area: Psychology
Author: Faramarz Tabesh
Date of completion/publication of the original Persian version: 15.03.2023/01.06.2023
Publication date of the English and German versions: October 19, 2024
The following text was translated from Farsi into English and German by Faramarz Tabesh.
An Analysis from the Perspective of Research Institute AOG
Infant Psychology
Episode 4- Last Episode
Influential factors of personality formation since childhood
In the course of time, the celestial soul, which is actually a particular magnetic field with its special quantomagnetics, merges with the other pole, i.e., the basharic soul, which is also a magnetic field with its earthly quantomagnetics. This process strongly influences the True Self. [Document 1]
"The most important thing that is gradually achieved is that the intelligence of the celestial soul, which creates the thought process, overcomes the animal intelligence. It is important to know that animal intelligence is nothing but animal instinct".
An Examination of Only Three Aspects of Child Behavior with Our Interpretations and Arguments
The analysis based on the study of only three natural reflexes in babies allows child psychology scientists to look at child development and changes in behavior and personality in a new light and approach this subject more comprehensively.
First point:
The desire and effort of babies to stand on their feet shows that a specific intelligence encourages them to do so. Simply put, the Basharic soul wants the child to move on two hands and two legs, like an animal. On the other hand, the celestial soul urges the child to move much more intelligently, i.e., on two legs, which is specific to the human species.
Second point:
The beginning of animal speech is manifested through the utterance of various sounds. In contrast, in the child, it is manifested through the mind that comes from the celestial soul, which has the appropriate algorithm. This results in the baby's desire to acquire the ability to communicate verbally through experimental learning.
Third point:
The gratuitous laughter of babies is a reflex, the cause of which is not clear to scientists, while the main reason lies in the fourth dominance process, which we have partially explained above. This means:
“The eyes of infants, like those of animals, can see phenomena they can no longer see as soon as they begin speaking. With the appearance of the effects of the Heavenly Intelligence, these animal abilities are gradually diminished.”
Basically, all behaviors of infants, children, and all creatures in the universe can be traced back to three basic principles that force and create movement and activity between the poles of light and darkness:
1- Attract Gain
2- Repel loss
3- Ensure Survival
“The differences between animals and humans in terms of their biological behavior can be interpreted to some extent as a reflection of these differences at the quantum level in the system of the true self. Sometimes, a human's misbehavior may cause his human personality to be rated lower than an animal's. But this is due to the misuse of “free choice.” The concept of freedom of action and choice gives humans a unique ability that comes with great responsibility.”
The factors that influence the development of the physical body and the individual personality are explained by Master Elahi as follows
[Document 2]
Two categories of general factors are involved in human destiny:
- The natural factors and the psychological factors.
1- Hereditary factors, which depend on the blood for up to three generations, in exceptional cases concerning creative qualities and in general concerning nature and inner needs.
2- The thoughts of the parents at the time of fertilization (fusion of sperm and egg).
3- The food from which the sperm and egg are formed.
4- The nutrition of the fetus in the womb.
5- The time and place of the child's birth. (where and when).
6- The food and environment in which the child grows up (family and social environment).
7- Spiritual factors, i.e., "God's will."
Ostad Elahi (Master Elahi)
A Brief Look at a Special Condition Called Puberty
The topics discussed earlier, especially the fourth dominance, form the basis for understanding the explanation of puberty.
As already explained, the newborn's first breath after birth marks the beginning of the gradual interaction process between the two basharic and celestial magnetic fields, which is confirmed by the infant's crying. With the entry of the celestial soul into the “basharic soul-physical body” system, the newly arrived soul attempts to make contact with the material environment through this system and through the process of “experience-error-correction” to complete the perfection process.
The conflict between the two quantum parts of the true self reaches a relative equilibrium at some point, usually between the ages of fourteen and eighteen. This is when childhood ends, and the animal characteristics associated with the basharic soul come under the control of the celestial soul, which is the source of the thought process. This process leads to the emergence of a personality with its character.
The inner interactions of a true self that develop between the basharic and Celestial potentials bring about the instructions for producing certain hormones sent to the surface of the cerebral cortex via the quantum connection of the soul and cause the formation of new sex hormones.
In this context, I will limit myself to a brief reference to the two genes KiSS1R and KiSS1, which, according to recent research, have led to the assumption that these two genes are responsible for the onset of puberty.
It should be noted that from our point of view, this claim is only partially correct, as the scientists in question are not yet aware of our research. However, it should be noted that the research published to date represents only a tiny fraction of the total research activity on this topic. We intend to gradually make the unpublished part of our research available to interested parties. We are confident that this approach will meet expectations.
The fact is that the manifestation of the dominance changes within the True Self-described above leads to the activation of these two genes on a physiological level. As this process continues, these two genes are also activated in the production of sex hormones and other hormones related to the changes of this age, i.e., breast enlargement in girls and similar changes in boys. On a psychological level, an independent personality emerges in which the characteristics of childhood are less visible.
This phase is called adolescence, in which a different personality has emerged but still has many shortcomings, the correction of which is the process of spiritual perfection. Interesting articles on this topic can be found in the “Integrated Sciences” section of the Research Institute AOG website.
All problems manifest in a person's personality can be more or less rooted in the psyche. Still, the most severe disorders of physiological and psychological health generally have their roots in the database of the true self or, to put it more clearly, in the karma system of the sick person.
The” Seven Creation Factors” discussed by Master Elhi significantly influence an individual's personality and physical health. The following is a brief introduction to each factor.
1- Environmental and atmospheric factors.
2- Genetic factors inherited from three generations ago.
3- Soul genetic factors stored in the database of your former true self, now integrated into a new “basharic soul-physical body” system.
4- The imposed non-genetic characteristics. These characteristics are related to the qualitative factors of the new basharic potential.
With this definition, it can be said that all kinds of chromosomal translocations related to the karmic system and all personality disorders that have their roots in the said karmic system can also arise in the psyche.
In the case of children, we can say that all the changes in the infant until puberty are due to the rule of the basharic soul, which has animal characteristics. The changes up to puberty are due to the increasing dominance of the celestial soul over the basharic soul, which introduces the thinking process into the growth process.
Childhood Autism Brief Overview
Finally, based on all that has been said in these articles, I would like to discuss child autism briefly.
This term refers to several developmental disorders in children. These disorders occur in the context of the child's abnormal interaction with the social environment, including verbal communication problems or lack of relationships with others.
The medical profession employs a categorical approach to diagnosing individuals with this disorder, with Asperger Syndrome being one possible diagnosis. A range of external behaviors and learning difficulties characterize this Syndrome. Science has not yet been able to explain the etiology, i.e., the cause or the appropriate therapy for this disorder.
Since I plan to deal with the subject of autism in detail and intensively in the future, it should be noted here briefly that all these disorders are rooted in the database of the true self, which also determines the quality of the psyche. For example, people who have practiced evil rituals in a past life as a member of a witchcraft group may have special magnetic codes stored in the database of their karmic system that have a negative effect on the formation of their psyche.
In rare cases, depending on the severity of the rituals, this may cause the child to remain outside the normal state for some time or their entire life in the new earthly life. This category can also include anyone who causes severe damage to their body during religious rituals.
It must be emphasized that these are only two exemplary cases and do not include all children with this condition.
On the other hand, there is a possibility that people who were very active and focused on valuable areas such as music in their earlier lives could also suffer from some characteristics that could be considered symptoms of mental illness from today's scientific point of view.
In this regard, it is not wrong to know that many of the world's geniuses, who have left a significant impact on this blue planet in various fields, all suffered from Asperger's Autism. Geniuses like Thomas Jefferson, who prepared the Declaration of Independence and was one of the founding fathers of America; Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a famous Austrian musician; Albert Einstein, a famous German-American physicist; Isaac Newton, a mathematician, physicist, and astronomer; and an eminent English theologian.
When these or similar symptoms are observed in children at school in European or American countries, a team, usually consisting of a speech therapist, pediatrician, psychiatrist, or psychologist, is called in for evaluation. The child is exposed to many pre-prepared questions, which can be stressful. In a large number of cases, the diagnosis of “Asperger's Autism” is made by the specialists. As a result, various forms of therapy are prescribed, but these serve primarily the financial interests of the treating psychologists rather than ensuring effective treatment for the child.
Of course, we must not forget that these experts really want to help out of their professional conscience, but their way of working cannot be correct because they do not know the soul and the psyche.
I appreciate your patience in studying these articles.
Faramarz Tabesh
End of episode 4 (the last episode)
[Document I]
Appearance of instinctive characteristics:
Andishe Online Germany- Appearance of instinctive characteristics (
[Document 2]
Seven Creation Factors:
Andishe Online Germany- The seven factors of creation (
Useful websites for these articles:
Brain development:
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Newborn-Reflexes | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (
Fontanelles (soft spots on the baby's head):
Children's Hospital of Colorado
Fontanelle Closures | Children's Hospital Colorado (
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Faramarz Tabesh
Article Archiving Code at AOG:
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