The Quantum Parallel Worlds- Part 2 of 3


Information about the article:

A presentation by the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)".

Research, investigation, and translation: Faramarz Tabesh


Date of publication:

    Persian version: February 01, 2020

    German version: June 19th. 2024

    English version: June 27th. 2024


The topics of part 2:

4- The Second Dimension and the Phenomenon of Time

5- Quantum Modification of the Theory of Parallel Dimensions and Tachyons

6- The Theory of Parallel Worlds and its Revision



Metaphysics & Mathematics

The Quantum Parallel Worlds

                                                                                  Part 2 of 3

                                                                                  Part 1 of 3 (AOG)

                                                                                  Part 3 of 3

4- The Second Dimension and the Phenomenon of Time

The world of matter is a world of relatively low frequencies and high wavelengths. A world in which the slowness of time and the slow fluctuations of phenomena make it impossible to fully understand the events that take place in the second dimension (the world of the soul [1]) and appear in the first dimension (the world of matter [2]). Time is neither slow nor fast. If we define time as the interval between two phenomena or events, it is the frequency that changes, not the time. Time and frequency are related; while time is assumed to be constant, frequency serves as a time regulator.

Frequency has a deeper meaning in our consideration of quantum worlds.

I believe that correcting the laws of quantum mechanics will eventually lead to the realization that there is no time dimension in the second dimension.


The term "time" is used by the Research Institute AOG [3] to describe the location and phenomena in the second dimension so that our earthly understanding can analyze these events.

"The Intermediate World (Barzakh) is identical to the Soul World. It has neither a temporal nor a spatial dimension."  [Ostad Elahi, Asar 1, word 913, §1]


The material world is, by nature, a low, dense, dark, slow, and primitive place. An immature soul must connect with this world to attain spiritual perfection [4], but not directly, but through a unique system. This means that the soul [5], with its very high frequency, cannot interact with the material phenomena with a very low frequency without an intermediary because the significant difference in frequency between the various phenomena of these two worlds is fatal and painful for the soul. This is because the soul is forced to lower significantly its frequency to be able to communicate with the phenomena of the material world, which means that the soul is limited. Therefore, the soul or the true self [6] can gain experience in the material world [7] by connecting with the quantum dimension of the physical body, which is called the human soul [8].

This earthly world, planet Earth, is located at the edge of the universe and its lowest point [9]. A world where darkness has more scope and influence than light. So, it is a place where the Reality of events is not quite tangible. This is precisely why this world is a powerful opponent of the soul to strengthen itself.



5- Quantum Modification of the Theory of Parallel Dimensions and Tachyons


"... Every time a person begins a new earthly life, his record is temporarily archived to allow him to make amends for his past negative deeds." [Ostad Elahi, Asar 1, word 760, § 2]


In today's academic science, the magnetic field [10] has not yet been studied in depth. Therefore, only some simple properties are considered. However, we believe there are various types of magnetic fields with different and common characteristics.

The Celestial or Heavenly Soul can be defined as a particular magnetic field with unique characteristics. The origin of this phenomenon can be directly traced back to the origin of existence.


Figure 1: Components of the True Self based on Master Elahi's teachings

However, this phenomenon's karmic system [11] is not yet active in the first life on earth. It is a computational action and reaction system that records all events, thoughts, intentions, and everything that emanates from a person in his memory, similar to the memory of a computer. Since there is no data in this system at the beginning of the first life on Earth, it is inactive. However, the system finds a new situation with the onset of puberty [12] and the reception of the first information based on first actions, thoughts, and intentions. From this point on, the soul is the architect of its future destiny. As a rule, newly created souls are granted a pleasant, stress-free, and peaceful life in their first life on earth, as they are still inexperienced and immature.

Each beginning of a soul's earthly life period is associated with archiving its record. This happens when the karmic data shows a negative tendency, which, according to the harmful codes [13], results in an accelerated entry into a parallel world [14] with ominous and unpleasant events. In this way, the soul is given time to correct and adjust its behavior accordingly.

The file's archiving is a deterrent system that prevents triggering the mechanisms that lead this person into this dark world. From this point on, however, a person's behavior and thoughts directly influence the activation of this mechanism.

In this path, factors such as the remaining time of the perfection process [15], the degree of spiritual perfection, and the opinion of a person's spiritual advisors [16] play a role. In this regard, trials related to all these facts can change a person's destiny and lead them to a particular parallel world available to that soul at a crucial turning point. This depends on whether the person being tested has made the right or wrong choice in their actions.

These turning or critical points represent potential opportunities for the individual to respond as they see fit. They are pivotal events that will lead them into one of these worlds, depending on how the person handles them.

An important point to note here is that the individual's behavior and thinking, past and present, create these turning points. By entering one of these particular worlds, he influences his future fate, the fate of others, and the whole of existence.


Figure 2: Every human being is the architect of their destiny

6- The Theory of Parallel Worlds and its Revision

Based on what has been discussed, there is no "unchangeable fate" except in rare cases, and there is always a better way through the intervention of the Source of Creation. Sometimes, the agents [17] of the intermediate world (Barzakh) make choosing the right path a challenge that tests the soul.

By examining the theory of parallel worlds proposed by some quantum science researchers, we realize that the principles of how such worlds arise have not been investigated. However, with modifications and corrections, this theory may contribute to a better understanding of quantum phenomena.

From the selected words of Master Elahi [18] quoted above, it can be deduced that the creation of parallel worlds results from a person's actions and intentions, which have been potentially formed over time in past and present lives and manifest themselves in a particular case. The intensity and weakness, positive or negative, of these actions and intentions, determine which parallel world a person enters. The process described here can be described as a transition from "probability to realization."

Now, it is time to move to a more rational and comprehensive science by comparing some of the proposals of quantum theorists in this field with our point of view.



Quantum Theory= QT

Revision from the point of view of the Research Institute AOG = R. AOG



Every small action, every thought, every event creates one or more active parallel worlds.



In every earthly life, only the decisions made at certain times, in critical cases that play a fundamental role in phenomena and situations, transfer a person to one of the existing parallel worlds. These worlds can be material (like Earth) or immaterial (the worlds created in limbo).



The connection between the different worlds in space is only through so-called space wormholes.



The location of these worlds is not in the material space but in the immaterial [19], the quantum spaces, which can appear in the material world after their activation. People with different spiritual and real-world mindsets live in two completely different quantum worlds. As a result, they analyze, understand, and react differently to the phenomena and events they observe.



The parallel worlds created are all alive and dynamic, generating events and streams of life within them.



These worlds are only potential possibilities that are not realized unless a person enters them. That person causes the occurrence and movement of events in that world.



If you throw a six-sided dice in the air, all six sides will land in six parallel worlds.



Which side of a dice thrown in the air lands on the ground depends on mechanical factors, including the force acting on the throwing system, the direction of that force, air friction, temperature, and other mechanical and physical characteristics unless there are external forces that have different effects on the system—for example, the force of the mind of one or more observers [20]. If one side of the dice is on the ground, the other possibilities do not even remain as potentials.



A person exists and lives in all kinds of parallel worlds.



Every human being is endowed with a specific particle, the divine particle [21], and is therefore unique. A person with the same divine particle can appear in parallel worlds but only in two parallel lives. However, such a double life holds many dangers. The appearance and presence of a person in countless parallel worlds is actually impossible because every time a person appears in real (not virtual) form in another parallel world, the energy of his soul is divided by the number of worlds. At the same time, his responsibility is multiplied by the number of worlds. It is evident that such an event burdens the soul and makes the process of perfection impossible.

Figure 3: Perfection Process and Appearance in Parallel Worlds

This equation will be analyzed and explained in detail in part 3 of this article.



End of Part 2

Part 3

Part 1


 Faramarz Tabesh


The Topics of Part 3:

- Introduction

- Explanation and interpretation of equations

- Viewpoint of the AOG Research Institute





[1] Soul groups. “Tokyo Experiment”

[2] This includes all planets and suns.

[3] AOG = Andishe Online Germany

[4] A soul is a magnetic field with specific characteristics that must manifest on material worlds such as Earth, which are very harsh and conflict-ridden, to mature and attain perfection. Please refer to the articles in the "Integrated Sciences" and "Topics from the University" sections of the Research Institute's website.

[5] This refers to the celestial or heavenly soul.

[6] According to the teachings of Ostad Elahi, the true self is a combination of celestial (royal or heavenly) and human potential, both of which are a kind of magnetic field.

[7] According to the Law of Opposite Phenomena. "The world of the penumbra."

[8] One of the two components that make up the True Self. Also called the basharic soul.

[9] According to the teachings of Ostad Elahi.

[10] Without exception, all phenomena are magnetic fields with their properties. Sometimes, they are composed of smaller fields.

[11] See the article "Connection of the Karma System with Destiny."

[12] The end of the dominance of the human soul. Also called the Basharic Soul. See the article "Human (Basharic) Phase." Soon.

[13] These codes are also a magnetic field.

[14] The most important of these worlds is the intermediate world in each planet's atmosphere. See the article "The World Beyond (Barzakh)" :

[15] According to Master Elahi's teachings, each person must complete this process within 50,000 earth years. See the article Soul worlds of the perfection process"

[16] Each person has a Spiritual Guide and Advisor who may be present in this world or other quantum worlds, such as the Intermediate World.

[17] Spiritual Advisor.

[18] Master Nurali Elahi, known worldwide as Ostad Elahi, was born in Jeyhunabad in western Iran on September 11, 1895. Master Elahi was a modern thinker, philosopher, mystic, great musician, and heir to a centuries-old spirituality. He was a respected judge who, parallel to his professional and family life, developed a spiritual system that he described as "the quintessence of all divine religions." This system takes into account both the material and the quantum side of a person. Therefore, it is safe to say that he is the founder of the " University of the Perfection Process" or "Soul Medicine."

More information:

[19] This refers to the quantum worlds, such as the intermediate world (Faris: Barzakh).

[20] The influence of the observer on the change of a phenomenon is known in science.

[21] In an experiment at CERN in Switzerland, scientists claimed to have discovered a particle they called the "God particle," which was, in fact, the Higgs boson. Many years before this event, Master Elahi had mentioned the existence of this particle in a royal soul (heavenly soul) in his works. In his explanations, he emphasizes that this particle is unique in each soul and different from the same particle in another soul.



Faramarz Tabesh

Code of the article in the research institute:

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