Answers to questions- 2024


August 30, 2024

This question pertains to the article titled " Extension of the Theory of Relativity - The Beginning, "  where we, in Part of it, explore the connection between Master Elahi's statements and the theory of special relativity.



Dear Sir,

In this article, you compare one of Master Elahi's statements to the theory of special relativity. I do not see any connection between these two subjects. If possible, please explain a little more.



Answer to this question:


I am grateful for your inquiry and will endeavor to provide a clear and comprehensive response.

Following one of the fundamental tenets of special relativity, a physical object can't attain the velocity of light. On the other hand, an analysis of the Master's other statements indicates that he intended to deliver a speech in the middle world (parallel quantum world). If it were possible to propel a physical body at the velocity of light, there would be no rationale for the Master to submerge his body in a pool of water to facilitate his true self's attendance at the meeting above in the Middle World.

Our aim with this study is to unravel the metaphysical aspects of our field that are intricately linked with science yet remain a puzzle to the academic community. This is just the start of our investigation, and we extend a warm invitation to all interested to join us in further exploring and discussing this captivating topic.

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh

September 01, 2024

A question about relativity related to the answer we gave to the above question.


Hello Mr. Tabesh,

How can you prove that what Master Elahi said is basically true? Please forgive my bluntness.



Answer to this question:


Thank you for your question.

The best way to solve this problem is to refer to Master Elahi's biography. Only after carefully studying the Master's activities and social status can you clearly understand whose mind these statements come from. Then, you can decide whether such a person can say something that did not happen.

Please note that such an investigation is your duty. You owe it to yourself.


In this regard, for example, I will mention two important things, like the iron laws in Master Elahi's life. You can find the rest in the Biography section of the Research Institute's website.


1- According to the testimony of some world-renowned musicians, Master Elahi was an exceptional musician who never performed in public except for a few of his close disciples and family members. This shows that he never tried to seek public attention.


2- The Master never tried to achieve material things through spirituality, nor did he try to gain followers.


In addition, it should be noted that the Master was a prominent judge and belonged to an old and well-known wealthy family.

I consider you intelligent, so I am sure you will find out the truth on your own.

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh

June 29, 2024

A question about the article "The Quantum Parallel Worlds"


Dear Sir,

In the initial paragraph of the second section of the article "The Quantum Parallel Worlds," within the "Topics from the University" section, you discussed the absence of the phenomenon of time in intermediate or other parallel worlds. Nevertheless, you have elucidated that time is the interval between two events in the same series of articles. Given that, according to your explanations, there are events in the quantum worlds, including in The World Beyond, it follows that there must also be time. Does this not represent the case?


Answer to this question:

Thank you, sir. This is an intelligent question.

First of all, we know that we work with our brains in the material world, planet Earth. This means that information is transferred from the true self to the psyche and from there to our brain. Meanwhile, as the data is being transferred to the brain, right at the level of the brain cortex, it is being transformed into understandable signals for the brain. And because our brain considers the distance between the series of material events as time, it is unacceptable to us that there are events but no time in quantum worlds. The key to the mystery lies in the fact that in quantum worlds, we analyze objects and events directly with the intelligence of our souls because there is no brain there. The result is that after a short period of settling into these worlds, we gradually realize that the dimension of time in the material world was a mental illusion.

This is an incredibly intricate subject, but I believe this explanation will serve as a concise response to your question.

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh


June 19, 2024

A question about the article "Who is elite?"

 Dear Sir,

…. In the article "Who's Elite," an exhaustive examination of the term "elite" across various disciplines yielded the following conclusions:


" A true elite, therefore, is the one that informs us about how and on what basis this universe is built. He must also tell us about who the man is, why he exists, what his duties are in this harsh material world, and what happens after death"


It is crucial to acknowledge that a multitude of individuals, including figures such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, and renowned philosophers, have addressed these questions throughout history. It is, therefore, reasonable to conclude that all of them should be considered elite. However, it appears that you are referring to a specific individual. Is this interpretation accurate?

Furthermore, the event of Mabel and George at the conclusion of the article was particularly effective and intelligent.

Thank you very much

Answer to the question

Good morning, Sir,

Yes, all these people you mentioned can be considered elite. However, as you have perceptively observed, I was referring to an exceptional elite. In my estimation, this individual is Master Elahi. In order to ascertain the truth, it is essential to compare the perspectives and teachings of Master Elahi with those of other individuals. Only after a comprehensive and meticulous examination of these comparisons can a decision be made regarding the identity of the elite.


 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh

June 12, 2024

A question about the article "Iran-Persia: Art & Culture," episode 2, paragraph "Some of the achievements of Darius the Great."

Dear Mr. Tabesh,

I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to read this series of articles on ancient Iran on the Institute's English website. With regard to the second episode, in the section on the achievements of Darius the Great, I have a question regarding the second paragraph. In the aforementioned paragraph, you wrote:

[ - Reconstruction of the Temples

 … To appease the Egyptians, whose temples had previously been destroyed [15], … ]


The article fails to provide any insight into the circumstances surrounding the destruction of the Egyptian gods' tombs in the past. Meanwhile, as you noted in footnote 15, Herodotus asserts that Cambyses II, son of Cyrus the Great, was responsible for this destruction. However, the article fails to address this historical issue. 

I appreciate the opportunity to discuss these matters.


Answer to the question

I appreciate your question.

This discrepancy is mainly due to the considerable divergence between contemporary historians' opinions, based on available documents, and Herodotus' account.

I have discussed this matter in detail from both perspectives in footnote 15. In this case, attributing the destruction to Cambyses is not a valid interpretation. Please see my explanation in the same footnote. In addition, it is crucial to recognize that Greece and Iran were adversaries in ancient times. This fact may have had a negative impact on Herodotus' ideas.

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh

January 10, 2023

A question in the article "The seven factors of creation" about the following paragraph:


 The first area refers to the information recorded in the karma system. If this data is so negative that all six factors are to be arranged negatively and thus, for example, the person must have a body with a disability in the next earthly life, God's providence can intervene for a special reason and deactivate the negative effects of the karma system.

The implication here is that disabled people were previously bad people and somehow deserve their fate. That's pretty offensive (I am myself disabled because of a chronic illness) and dangerous to say — it's a line of thinking that is a slippery slope to eugenics.

Answer to the question

I appreciate your question.

First, you must understand that nobody on earth has a perfect life. Everyone is somehow paying for the negative deeds they have done in their past lives. No one on earth can live flawlessly, It is impossible.

You must also understand that all souls in the hereafter are very happy to accept the punishment in their next life (though I really don´t want to call it punishment) for what has prevented them from progressing.

People who have severe fates such as physical or mental disabilities are so brave that they want to deactivate all negative codes in one life, so they themselves accept such a fate voluntarily during an earthly life. The other souls who still have to return to earth are not so brave and want to pay for the faulty life not only in one but in two, three, or four earthly lives with lighter difficulties. That is a decision taken by us only in the hereafter. Nobody forces us to choose this or that life. It means that if you have a chronic illness, that was your decision because your Soul was strong enough to choose this kind of life.

We have to know deeply that everyone here on earth definitely makes mistakes, and that is why no one, I emphasize, no one, not even Queen Elizabeth herself, has a perfect life! We all pay in different ways for our negative acts. One has no child. The other has no husband or wife. One is poor, and the other is sick.

Only through an earthly life with too many self-made problems can the soul be strengthened and finally achieve perfection. Isn't that what we do in a fitness center? The heavier the weights, the stronger our muscles become.

You said that this way of thinking is offensive. I say that’s the absolute truth, but you've only read half the story. In one of my books, I interpreted the whole story scientifically. You have corrected 17 parts of this book. I will let you proofread the rest, and you will see that all of our problems, both physically and in daily life, are only tools for us to strengthen our souls.

In short, The souls in the hereafter say: Did I make mistakes? Ok, I’ll pay for it. They do this because they know how important it is to fly to the light source as soon as possible, where we belong.


Comment from the same reader on the above answer:

Thanks for the explanations above. That is quite reassuring and makes sense. …..

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh

January 10, 2023


A question in the article "Master Elahi's Prophecies" about the following paragraph:


  "…every man should be satisfied only with his wife and every woman should be satisfied only with her husband… "


And gay people are….where?


This also applies to such people.

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh

November 12, 2023

The first question about the article "Article No. 22 Lesson 17- Mineral phase- Part 6 "

Dear Mr. Tabesh,

The equation you gave for the mineral phase cannot be a complete mathematical equation since none of the formula factors can be calculated with conventional mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction.

How do you explain that?

Incidentally, I am a professor of mathematics by......

I have to confirm that I have read the article "The Development of Instinctive Properties and Characteristics". I have to say that it is unique in its kind and presents a new theory in biology and psychology.

Many thanks                           


Answer to the question

I appreciate your question.

You are right because I have deliberately not explained some mathematical signs and factors. As you know yourself, copying from other people's research without specifying a source is, unfortunately, a common problem. That's why I introduced the formula in general without going into details now. 

However, appropriate explanations will be provided in due course, and you will find that the problem you have addressed has been resolved. One of these problems is the sign of the interaction between the two factors, which is a completely new phenomenon in mathematics. This sign itself has many complex equations and, as mentioned, will be explained in its place. To prove this, I sent you a complementary equation.

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh

November 12, 2023

The second question about the article "Article No. 22 Lesson 17- Mineral phase- Part 6 "

Dear Mr. Tabesh,

The equation is actually just about calcium oxide. How can you extend this equation to cover the entire mineral phase?

Many thanks                                


Answer to the question

I appreciate your question.

As I explained in the first question, this formula only covers part of the mineral phase for some reason. But it can also be extended to the entire mineral level. If you omit 8 and 20 in Equation 1 and replace x and y, the problem is solved because these two unknown alphabets can only match the atomic number of each chemical element.

However, the general formula is presented in another article and discussed in more detail.

The goal now is to show that a new science is in the development phase that is able to go beyond quantum mechanics and move the border forward a few kilometers.

 I wish you and your family all the best.

 Faramarz Tabesh

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