Superstition; an inexplicable concept- Episode 1


Information about the article:

A presentation of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)

Research and Investigation: Faramarz Tabesh

Publication date of the:

Persian version: April 10. 2023

German version: June 9. 2024

English version: June 11. 2024




an inexplicable concept

                                               Episode 1

                                               Episode 2 (by AOG)


The definition of superstition in the "Advanced American Dictionary" and the "Advanced Dictionary of Oxford University Students" is almost identical.

The term superstition refers to the belief in the existence of supernatural forces whose existence defies scientific explanation. The belief is that certain events lead to good or bad luck. For example, breaking a mirror is considered bad luck. "Every culture is characterized by superstition."

[First document]

The Oxford University English Dictionary gives the following examples:

1. fear of something unknown, mysterious, or imaginary. This is mainly observed in religion, beliefs, and practices based on fear or ignorance.

2. an irrational religious system that can be described as false, whether of a pagan or false god nature.

3. excessive precision (obsession).

4. irrational or unfounded belief in general.

[Second document]

In Persian literature, the term "superstition" is primarily associated with the terms "illusory," "unreal," "legend," and "false words," among others. The respective terms have a specific meaning in different literary contexts.

In German sources, the things mentioned above are mentioned alongside other topics, such as:


- Belief in the efficacy of supernatural powers such as witchcraft, spells, and magic.

- The belief in the existence of Satan should also be mentioned.

- The belief in specific speech formulas, such as "Toi Toi Toi," is widespread among Germans. Such formulas are used to wish for the success of a particular person who wants to act.

The study of the scientific, educational, and philosophical centers of the world regarding the term "superstition" leads to the simple conclusion that the general belief of these centers in a general summary is as follows:


"Anything inconsistent or contradictory with logic, science, and reason belongs to the realm of superstition."


The famous German poet Goethe's opposing but equally poetic theory [1] should be mentioned. In his theory, Goethe represents a counterposition, which is, however, also based on a poetic foundation.


" Superstition is part of human nature and, when we think we have completely suppressed it, it takes refuge in the strangest nooks and crannies, from where it suddenly reappears when we think we are reasonably safe." (Goethe)

[Third document]



Analysis of the article from different perspectives

The above definitions are very general, and it is impossible to determine which specific topic "superstition" can be applied to. In this context, we will also examine the reasons for this.

Examining the subject from different angles is necessary to reach a logical and comprehensive conclusion about what can be considered superstition. A religious, scientific, philosophical, or value-free popular article does not belong in the same series and cannot all be analyzed with a single indicator. Therefore, we will first make a logical classification by analyzing the topics according to some known main elements. On this basis, we will find the truth by narrowing down the circle of this category.




Superstition in scientific theories

After reading the title of this section, you may be wondering:


"Can science be tainted with superstition?"


Because the criterion is that everything that cannot be explained scientifically is classified as superstition. In this case, you should accept that the definition of science as an identification criterion is wrong or that, with the explanations we will give in this section, you accept that superstition can also exist in science. The third possibility is that by the end of this article, you will agree with our thinking on the subject.


We will illustrate what we have said with an example.


Schrödinger's cat

The thought experiment devised by Erwin Schrödinger [2], also known as Schrödinger's cat, illustrates the conceptual difficulties associated with quantum mechanics.

In a nutshell, the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment can be described as follows:


"In a thought experiment, a cat is locked in an opaque box and a radioactive material whose decay may occur at a certain time. The collapse of the atomic superposition releases a poisonous gas lethal to the cat. According to quantum physics, the substance is in a state of superposition that can both decay and not decay. According to quantum mechanics, the cat is both alive and dead until somebody opens the box and observes the state."

[Fourth document]

The scientific paradox at hand is not compatible with the usual and everyday understanding of ordinary life because if an average person is asked how many possibilities there are about the life of a cat in this box, he will answer without hesitation:


"The cat is either dead or alive."


From the point of view of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany," the experiment developed by Schrödinger can be presented more understandably and acceptably with the definitions provided, which correct the underlying theory.

In this context, the question arises as to whether the experiment above can be regarded as superstition in this situation, as it contradicts the findings of Newtonian physics.

Although Albert Einstein [3] supported quantum mechanics to a certain extent, he regarded such experiments as scientific idealism.


" Quantum mechanics is very impressive. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory produces a good deal but hardly brings us closer to the secret of the Old One. I am at all events convinced that He does not play dice."

[Fifth document]

However, considering the academic language of the time and the fourth paragraph of the Oxford University English Dictionary definition presented above, it must be stated that scientific people must inevitably conclude that the experiment and the resulting outcome are superstitions.

In my judgment, paradoxes, as they frequently occur in scientific subjects, and some of which, like the experiment described above, are correct paradoxes according to Willard Quine's classification [4], cannot be called superstitions.

[Sixth document]


The method of philosophical analysis of the subject is explained below:

It is claimed that those who believe in the absoluteness of science consider an unusual phenomenon to be superstition if it is incompatible with science. Science is seen as the only criterion.

In this context, the question arises as to whether all the people mentioned above have actually learned and memorized all the current academic sciences, with all their intricacies. Is there even one person in the world who has such an ability? If not, how can such a claim be made? How can these people know whether a subject suspected of superstition is consistent with all areas of science or not?

In my opinion, the assertion that science is the only criterion in this context is unacceptable. This is still under discussion.

In mathematics, there are equations whose result is infinite! Now, the question is whether anyone can explain, for example, what infinite mass means.

So, with this philosophical definition, all these paradoxes can be considered scientific theories, not superstitions. Such theories are put forward mainly due to a lack of suitable information about the creation process. An excellent example is the theory of the emergence of parallel quantum worlds, which we first corrected and then explained in several articles in the Metaphysics section of the Research Institute.

[Seventh document]



The conclusion of the first topic is:

A particular thesis proposed in academic centers cannot be considered superstition simply because it contradicts the current findings of contemporary science, which is the dominant paradigm in the field. It is essential to recognize that the field of science is a dynamic and evolving entity.




Superstition from a theological perspective

Let us look at this from a theological perspective. Christianity assumes that Jesus is the only gate and that salvation is only possible through faith in him. On the contrary, I believe that this completely contradicts logic and even science and philosophy because this way of thinking draws a false line from the omnipresence of God and turns him into a Christian God. This means that the rest of humanity, whose numbers are much greater than those of Christians, must all go to the place they call hell! This belief also means that we are dealing with an ignorant God because he has planned creation in such a way that the absolute majority go astray and are unable to find the right path, Christianity.

Muslims also claim that because Islam is the last religion, all followers of other faiths must convert to Islam; otherwise, they will go to hell! In other words, the inhabitants of paradise seem to include all Muslims, both the benefactors and the radical terrorists!

[Eighth document]

Before we continue discussing this topic, I must make it clear that I respect all religions and all ways of thinking, be they monotheistic or atheistic, because the conflict and debate between ideas and theses lead to a maturing mind.

My comparative argument is:

If you want to set up a factory in today's industrial world, you first turn to planning offices that draw up a plan for establishing such a company. In the end, you get an information sheet with the relevant algorithms, with all kinds of market and other analyses, and a forecast showing that this factory will generate, for example, an annual profit of 80 to 90 percent.

With this description, one can say:


"God's mind and tact are inferior to the intelligence of his creation! Because he was not able to set up a logical and reasonable system according to which at least the majority of creatures could be steered or led on the right path so that it would no longer be necessary to destroy billions of people in hell just because they have not converted to this or that religion and hold contrary opinions?"


Nevertheless, none of these claims made by followers of various religions can be categorized as superstition, as, in my opinion, they fall into the category of religious bigotry and fanaticism, a form of dogmatism.

However, with spiritual progress, the severity of this religious and sectarian error will diminish over time. We have explored this topic on the Research Institute website by presenting the teachings of Master Elahi (1895-1974) [See footnote 7] from different angles and our view of the true God. A God who respects the rights of all creatures, including human beings, regardless of their thinking and beliefs.


The conclusion of the second topic is:

Blind prejudice and religious dogmatism cannot be called superstition.





Superstition from the perspective of logic

Another criterion used in the "Advanced American Dictionary" and the "Oxford University Students' Advanced Dictionary" to define superstition is "logic." Therefore, a belief or action that contradicts logic is considered superstition.

The actions performed by the Qadiri dervishes [5], especially the Qadiri group of the Kasenzani, in their special ceremonies, are characterized by a certain absurdity and are not considered correct or logical by any school of thought. The chewing of pieces of glass and sharp razor blades should also be mentioned in this context. The euphorized individuals can be seen sticking sharp iron spikes into their bodies, swallowing a real sword, and the like. From a scientific and logical point of view, it is evident that such actions can result in serious injury or even death. Nevertheless, it can be observed that no blood flows from their bodies, and they do not feel the pain.

The performance of the dervishes, who engage in various disciplines with fire by striking their heads and faces hard on pieces of glowing coals without burning themselves or suffering the slightest damage, raises the question of whether the concept of logic needs to be redefined. For example, we can state that:


"In this context, the common sense prevalent in everyday life hinders the execution of such actions. Because carrying out such actions does not have any positive consequences."


Concerning the actions discussed in the article, it should first be noted that:


"The research institute' Andishe Online Germany' - based on the teachings of Master Elahi - is fundamentally and with the most profound conviction against such practices."


In this investigation's context, the validity of the term "logic" is examined, and the true meaning of superstition is explored. It should be noted that the general definition of logic does not apply to such actions.


The truth is that although no ordinary person would want to perform such rituals, these practices cannot be called superstition with the definitions presented since we see that the performance of these rituals, as already discussed, violates the physical and physiological laws. Therefore, this ceremony is one of the problems that academic science is unaware of, and indeed, one day, scientists will be able to find the reason for the apparent violation of biological laws hidden in such practices. There is an endless series of such acts among the jockeys in India. This means these acts have a scientific root that we have yet to discover. So, they are not superstitious.


The conclusion of the third topic is:

Based on an analytical method, it should be accepted: The fact that an action violates logic in most people's eyes does not mean it is superstitious unless it also violates other cases, which we will discuss in the following sections.


End of Episode 1

Episode 2


In the second episode, the following topics are discussed:


-Superstition from the Perspective of Philosophy

                 -The fourth topic concludes as follows:

-Superstition from the Perspective of Psychology

-Superstition from the Perspective of Religion

                 -Ordinary People and Religious Fundamentalists

-Collective Wisdom

                 -A Summary of Collective Wisdom


Thanks for your attention

Resources and footnotes:


General resources:

[The first document]

[The second document]

[The third document] Source: Goethe, Maximen und Reflexionen. Aphorisms and notes. After the Goethe and Schiller Archive manuscripts, edited by Max Hecker, 1907. From Art and Antiquity, 4th volume 2nd issue, 1823 Also

[The fourth document] The present situation in quantum mechanics. In: Naturwissenschaften (Organ der Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte - Berlin, Springer), Vol. 23, 1935 [The fifth document] Einstein expressed this opinion in a letter dated December 4, 1926, to his Berlin colleague Max Born (1882-1970; Nobel Prize for Physics 1954).

[The sixth document] Pay attention to the paradoxes categorized by Willard Van Orman Quine, for example in: Paradox. Scientific American. 206 (4): 84.


Persian (Farsi) resources:

[The seventh document] Essays on the metaphysical section: "The quantum world of the soul" in three essays. The first article – the second article – the third article.

[The eighth document] We recommend reading the articles "Investigation on the subject of dogmatism" and "Blind bigotry and its destructive consequences" in the philosophy section of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)."

[The ninth document] The series of articles was published on June 1, 2023, in the "Psychology" section on the Farsi website of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany." A translation into German and English is being prepared.

[The tenth document] At this point, reference should be made to the articles "Ahl al-Haq from the Perspective of the University of Perfection Process" and "Stages of Soul Development." In the "Perfection Process" section of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)."

[The eleventh document] For further information, please refer to the article "Mandatory Hijab" in the theology section of the Persian website of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany." Please refer to the article "Sister of Values ​​& Karamazov Brothers." The translation is currently being processed.

[The twelfth document] See the article "The Divine Particle":



1- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832). He is known primarily as a German poet. His influence on German-language poetry can be described as outstanding.

2- Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schrödinger (1887 - 1961). He was an Austrian physicist and scientific theorist. He is considered one of the founders of quantum mechanics and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933, which he shared with Paul Dirac. The award was given for discovering new, productive forms of atomic theory.

3- Albert Einstein (1879 -1955). He was a Swiss-American theoretical physicist of German origin. The scientist of Jewish descent held Württemberg citizenship until 1896 and American citizenship from 1940. Albert Einstein is generally considered one of the greatest physicists in the history of science and one of the world's most famous scientists of modern times.

4- Willard Van Orman Quine (1908 - 2000). He was an American philosopher and logician.

5- The Qaderie Dervishes is an Iranian Sufi order that traces its origins to the Persian mystic Abd al-Qader al-Gilanie (1088-1166) and is one of the most widespread orders in the world. The Qaderie Dervishes are present in numerous countries, including Iran, Turkey, the Balkans, the North Caucasus, West and East Africa, China, India, Pakistan, and Indonesia.

6- Cannibalism is a phenomenon that exists as a philosophy in some societies and is even found in advanced societies.

7- Master Nurali Elahi, known worldwide as Ostad Elahi, was born on September 11, 1895 in Jeyhunabad, western Iran. Master Elahi was a modern thinker, philosopher, and mystic, a great musician, and heir to a centuries-old spirituality. In the world, he was a respected judge who, parallel to his professional and family life, developed a spiritual system that he called the "quintessence of all divine religions." This system takes into account both the material and the quantum side of a person. Consequently, it can be safely stated that he is the founder of the "University of the Perfection Process" or "Soul Medicine."

More information:

     Faramarz Tabesh

     Code of the article in the research institute:

     s.#vhsjdCk,hk hdkhös#gdöfg öhks#j_h#dc,n 1

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