Infant Psychology- Episode 1


Information about this article:

A presentation of the research institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)"

Subject Area: Psychology

Author: Faramarz Tabesh

Date of completion/publication of the original Persian version: 15.03.2023/01.06.2023

Publication date of the English and German versions: September 22, 2024

The following text was translated from Farsi into English and German by Faramarz Tabesh.


German Version
Persian Version


An Analysis from the Perspective of  Research Institute AOG

Infant Psychology- Episode 1



In the context of this series of articles, it is crucial to emphasize that the analysis presented here is based on the psychological perspective of the  Research Institute AOG. This perspective is the result of extensive research and analysis of the works of Master Noor Ali Elahi (1895-1974). This series of articles aims to deepen the subject and overcome existing ambiguities in academic psychology. It is recommended that professionals in psychology study all four articles in this series with an open mind and free from negative preconceptions to gain a deeper understanding of the findings presented.

It should also be noted that

“From our point of view, not only infants but also animals have a soul as well as a psyche [1].”

I appreciate your willingness to take note.


The human: A complex entity

Apart from the research and studies conducted by the Research Institute AOG, there has been no comprehensive research throughout history to determine a prevailing paradigm that examines the most critical and enduring dimension of the human being in a logical, scientific, and acceptable manner. The lack of comprehensive research in this domain has resulted in some confusion among scientists, subsequently leading to the development of obscure and illogical theories to address the questions involved. Nevertheless, these obscure theories have also raised further unanswered questions.

Studying human behavior across the various stages of life, both postnatal and ante-natal, represents a significant and challenging undertaking for academic societies.

Conversely, some individuals seek to profit from publishing sensationalist books with confusing and populist titles, such as "Ideal Life through Knowledge of the Power of the Mind," "Achieving Wealth and a Happy Life through Knowledge of Your Soul," and so on. Such publications are referred to as "Yellow journalism." In this complex situation, two main issues that present significant challenges to the rigorous scientific study of the psychological category can be identified.


1- Lack of or inadequate information from university research centers.

2- Misleading information disseminated by Yello Press in the media.

In the academic world, the Swiss researcher Jean Piaget is regarded as one of the pioneers of "psychological development theory based on thought, observation and cognition" in the sense of "the study of internal and external influences on the child's learning process." This discipline can be defined as a branch of psychology. His research has been recognized in academic circles.

Unfortunately, this gentleman is no longer alive. This reality has precluded the opportunity to engage in discourse on the AOG perspective with him in this context. In light of his significant contributions to the understanding and absorption of the concept of events, I am confident that he, a pioneering figure in the field, would have been impressed as a dedicated researcher who is always open to learning about alternative ideas, perspectives, and theories.

This article will focus only on one of the most critical stages of a person's life - the period after birth. Completing this part of the central puzzle related to the knowledge of the root and the actual cause of the child's behavior and mental development process will also be on our agenda.

It should be noted that, due to the lack of necessary revolutionary paradigms, Piaget and other researchers achieved only a part of what was said.

Of course, in this article, we will also mention the critical issue of "what puberty is in principle" and examine how it manifests itself in reality. For this article to become useful for experts, it is necessary to analyze the contents deeper and more fundamentally. Therefore, we will start the article by describing the creation of the first layer of the brain cortex. Then, it is necessary to enter the metaphysical world and clarify the issues that help solve medical mysteries, such as "chromosomal translocation" or the category of "different personalities of people."



The first layer of the cerebral cortex after fertilization

First, it should be remembered that the brain is an unknown body organ, and research into it is still in progress. For example, it was believed in scientific research centers of the world that neurons grow only before birth. This theory is rejected today, and new research shows that neurons are produced at least in the hippocampus until the end of a person's life. [Document 1]


The aforementioned fact and the foundation of the hippocampus system are pivotal to the biological concept we refer to as the "Biology of the Quantum Dimension." Correctly understanding this category can lead to remarkable answers to many questions in academic science.

Here, I draw your attention to a speech of the Divine Master:

“The center of recording memories is the soul, not the body. The center of spiritual intelligence is in the soul, and the center of animal intelligence is in the brain. The brain is an instrument for the manifestation of the soul's memories. The memories of this life are first transmitted to the brain and then to the soul. But the memories of past lives are recorded in the soul.“ (Master Elahi)  

[Document 2]

Prof. Dr. Hubert Preißl, Scientific Director of the Center for Fetal Magnetoencephalography at the University of Tübingen and Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, answers the question, "When can brain activity be measured?"


"Brain development begins in the third week of pregnancy. The first physical reflexes are already formed from the sixth week of pregnancy, but these are mainly controlled in the brain stem, i.e., at the interface between the rest of the brain and the spinal cord. The brain stem is responsible for regulating heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing, as well as reflexes such as swallowing and coughing. To my knowledge, however, there are no methods for measuring these early brain activities in humans. "

[Document 3]


Indeed, this indicates that the precise mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain unclear within academic science.

During my extensive research for the book Biology of the Second Dimension, I encountered a question regarding forming the first layer of the brain cortex. In this context, I located explanations from the University of Düsseldorf that illuminated this relationship and were consistent with my research objectives. However, I do not intend to make this material publicly accessible. Instead, it will be addressed as necessary within the context of this article.

It should also be noted that research in this area at academic centers is not yet complete, so there may be new findings of which we are not aware. However, these are not directly relevant to our discussion.


The graphic above illustrates the stages of brain development. The first, larger rectangle represents the brain's development process at various stages, from fertilization to birth.

As shown in the graphic used by academic medical centers in Switzerland and the Zurich Scientific Journal, a modest number of neurons are generated during the neurulation stage, which lasts until about four months of age. [Document 4]

The period from birth to two years is shown in the second graph.

In the graphic below from the University of Düsseldorf, Germany, you can also see some neurons in laminate I. This lamina is the first layer of the cerebral cortex that is created. The reason for this has not been studied in scientific and academic centers, or I have not found it, but in any case, we will analyze the reason from our point of view.

As all Physicians and medical students know, six parts of the baby's skull are soft. These parts are called the fontanelles. After birth, from the end of the sixth week, the five smaller fontanelles gradually close and disappear entirely by the age of one year. The large fontanelle gradually closes from about 18 months to no later than the second birthday. 

These help the fetal head pass through the mother's uterine tube by shrinking the surface of the skull; in addition, scientists believe that this allows the brain to grow a bit quantitatively. Meanwhile, in addition to what has been said, this is also related to the activity of the human soul (basharic Soul) [2] regarding creating new neurons. Because the presence of the skull can have an adverse effect on receiving commands from the human magnetic field through the surface of the brain cortex to create neurons.

As you can see in the second graph, at least until the age of twenty-four months, the neuron creation phase continues, so it is necessary that especially the large fontanel remains soft until this time and in proportion to the formation of more and more neurons in the cortical lamellae, the fontanelles gradually become firmer and eventually close.

All the instructions for the creation of neurons and the growth of the brain, as well as the closing of the skull and the disappearance of the fontanel, and everything that happens in the matter of physiological growth, are stored in the human soul in an area like the hard disk of a computer.

Faramarz Tabesh

The End of Episode One

The topics of the second episode:

- Metaphysical world

- Determining a body for a true self in the parallel quantum world

- Bashar, human

- The connection of the fetus with its human soul and the mother




[Document 1]

For a long time, it was an axiom of science that neurons only form before birth, but this is not the case; at least in the hippocampus, neurons are formed throughout life.


See also


[Document 2]

Master Elahi - Asar 1 - Word 766

[Document 3]

[Document 4]



[1] Answer to a question about psychology provided by the Research Institute "Andishe Online Germany (AOG)."

Psychology - from a new point of view.

[2] will be explained in the next episode.


     Faramarz Tabesh

     Article Archiving Code at AOG:

     hdltkn shod,g,Cd_ h#dc,n ,hk

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