Intelligence network
The interaction between the 12 fermions and 12 anti-fermions is the reason for the creation of all living things.
So, the crucial questions are:
A) Which primary fermions in the intangible dimension were involved in the composition to accomplish the task?
B) What constellations did the particles have in relation to one another in the material dimension?
An electron is actually a material manifestation of the power of the primordial electron, therefore the primordial plan (see Fig. 27) and a specific creative power were available. An electron can therefore know at any time and in a wide variety of situations what tasks have to be done and what requirements it has to provide with the help of its companions (partners), so that a special task in connection with the origin of the universe can be fulfilled [1].
These tasks are primarily the build of the superintelligence networks from which the two dimensions, i.e. the material and immaterial dimensions, were formed. We call these compilations, in which the primordial fermions were personally involved before the Big Bang, "Intelligence Networks 1".
According to the current state of science, the earthly chemical elements that have been discovered to date consist of electrons, up quarks (quark is also a fermion) and down quarks, since all atoms are formed exclusively from these three particles. These particles are, so to speak, "holographic reflections" of the power of the prim fermions, meaning the elementary particles that make up intelligence networks. This is the reason why I call these networks "Intelligence Networks 2".
It should be noted here that all 11 fermions, like electrons, are extremely intelligent. Each particle knows the purpose for which it was created, how it has to perform its tasks, etc. However, the wisdom of these particles is not comparable with each other. Only the electron (electropositron) has access to the complete information (see Fig. 27). The other particles have a certain amount of this information, depending on their rank. Their knowledge only corresponds to the tasks they have to do, therefore the 11 fermions have to cooperate with the electron (electropositron) in every respect.
In this case, being wiser means having more divine energy and knowledge. Such an extraordinary privilege automatically creates charisma, respect and veneration for these beings.
In the material dimension, when we talk about the position of the three fermions with each other, we mean parameters such as angle, area, distance, movement and of course energy, which are different for each particular compilation of the particles. This results in a number of certain predefined properties that were provided in the master plan. The movements and rotations of each particle generate the waves and consequently the frequencies, which are kind of different special codes. These codes represent a specific particle language with which they communicate with one another, meaning they carry out a type of information exchange.
Basically, the instructions regarding the question "What should be done under existing conditions" are given by the electron, and thus the two particles involved in the action, namely up-quark and down-quark, know which position is to be formed with which parameters. The number of particles that must be involved in an action is determined by the electropositron (electron) (with a few exceptions, such as protons and neutrons). As already mentioned, an electron contains all information about the intended templates, which have to be generated over an incredibly long period of time. These can be seen as building blocks of a puzzle, which, among other things, can correspond to today's 118 chemical elements.
From the entirety of the templates, which correspond to segment 1 of the first energy wave, the electron reads the first template, which is important for our planet. This can be hydrogen (H), for example. For this template to be generated, an electron must attract a baryon that consists of two up-quarks and one down-quark. This baryon is a so-called proton.
In this context, we have to know that the baryons were present as the independent templates in segment 1 of the first wave, but not a quark. This is the reason why a quark cannot exist individually and freely.
The specific angle, the space direction, the type of movement (particle language) and the opposite interactions with the anti-particles, caused various chemical properties. These actually represent the intangible characteristics, which in turn represent the intangible models from the three quantum-dimensional spaces, before the Big Bang happens.
We will analyze the decisive role that these “intelligence networks 1” played in the first phase of the big bang with regard to the generation of souls and masses.
The 12 primal fermions (Mahiaat and his 11 companions or “Intelligence Networks 1”) are responsible for the creation of matter and souls in all the forms that were not created directly by God. The creation of the two dimensions as a template was a one-off act, during the first phase of the Big Bang. After this phase, all activities in the entire universe must be carried out under the principle of causality, a principle that will apply until the end of the development cycle of the universe. Brief summary
According to today's periodic table, there are 118 chemical elements, which we regard as “Intelligence Networks 2”. Clearly speaking, they are only there for the purpose of generating earthly souls (potentials). For this reason, they can be called catalyst quantum clouds (see the following chapter) and they are shown with the symbol KX-qc, where: 0 <x ≤ 118
Each digit from 1 to 118 for x corresponds to the atomic number of the chemical element in the periodic table.
Some examples:
K16-q c corresponds to the intelligence network sulfur (S)
K6-q c corresponds to the carbon intelligence network (C)
K7-q c corresponds to the intelligence network nitroge (N)
K1-q c corresponds to the intelligence network hydrogen (H)
K8-q c corresponds to the intelligence network Oxygenium (O) (or oxygen)
The proteinogenic amino acids consist of these intelligence Networks

Research and Study: Faramarz Tabesh
Main source: the book "Biology of quantum dimension”
By Faramarz Tabesh
Archiving code of the article: OstadElahi_FaramarzTabesh_hdkjgdüks kj,vö
Next subject: Mineral phase (ᴪ): Quantum Cloud (souls) and minerals
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