Saturday, November 14, 2020

 Article No. 27

 Lesson 22
2.1.4 Animal phase (ϑ): Quantum clouds (souls) and animals 
Part 3

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Research institute: Andishe online Germany Diversity of varieties of a breed
                   The cause of the diversity of animal species of a given breed is the quantity and quality of the spectrum of analogous and homologous potentials that complete the maturation process of the plant phase and which have already joined the animal gametes to take control, together with other factors, over the functionality of the chromosomes. 
To avoid confusion of meanings in the concept, we adopt the scheme of a biological classification model and accept its order for our purpose:

Kingdom ≙ (on this subject) Animal
Phylum ≙ For example dog
Class ≙ Breed ≙ For example German shepherd dog

For example, a Q cloud consisting of 20,000 potentials but with 10,000 different analogous plant types is much richer in information than a cloud of the same quantity but consisting of only 5,000 different analogous plant types that have only a certain experience with the matter. The quality of the potentials ensures, in part, the deficiency and perfection of the animal breed in terms of both mental and physical characteristics. These characteristics are to a large extent genetic. 

Of two shepherds, the nobler one is the one whose Q cloud consists of faultless plant potentials and genetic traits, as is the case with a white Swiss shepherd. He has the perfect external appearance, such as the correct height at the withers of about 65 cm, a wedge-shaped head adapted to the body, a strong and muscular body, etc., and also the perfect internal appearance such as: vigilance, bravery, no trace of aggressiveness, high intelligence and willingness to learn etc. Of course, the more and the higher the proportion of positronic effects in the Q cloud, the more the quality of the breed diminishes. Combination of framework and growth
                    Each potential that has completed the plant maturation process has, according to the specific path it has followed, certain abilities that enable it to realize a specific type of growth by cell division. 

On the other hand, for each animal, there is a structural chart, i.e. genes, which provide the Q cloud with certain possibilities with regard to the construction of the structure. A Q-cloud has learned to use these possibilities to create the animal's body. During this process, it (the Q cloud) knows, for example, what the structure (the scaffold) generally looks like and how cell division (growth) must proceed. The Q cloud must be able to build up the animal's body according to this chart. For this reason, the Q cloud must be attracted by the chromosomes that are suitable for it. Since regeneration is only possible from the second generation of an animal breed (animal strain), the chromosomes mentioned must be sex chromosomes. As a result, the Q clouds matured from the plant phase must join the gametes in order to control the cell maturation process. We can only discuss this topic in more detail once the dominance processes have been discussed.

Deed of the article:
Research and study:
Faramarz Tabesh
The book "Biology of the Quantum Dimension"
Archiving code:OstadElahi_FaramarzTabesh_hkdlhg tdc ähvj jvd 
Next subject: Basharic Phase

 Article No. 26

 Lesson 21
2.1.4 Animal phase (ϑ): Quantum clouds (souls) and animals 
Part 2

Audio format article for the visually impaired at the bottom of the page

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Research institute: Andishe online Germany Interphase biobridges
                The progress and maturation process of quantum clouds is very long, time-consuming, slow, and gradual at every stage, and the resulting reflections of action are very diverse in regard to matter, as it pertains to the origin of living things, from the most primitive to the most complicated races and varieties. Moreover, the maturation process of Q clouds from the mineral to the Basharic phase is an uninterrupted, interconnected, linear process. Therefore, in each phase there are many, very simple specimens that do not have any concrete complete characteristics of the previous or associated phase. These Q clouds have actually recently completed the last phase and are experiencing the higher phase freshly, according to their energy, experience and abilities in the simplest form. Such organisms in this state are called "interphase biobridges". Four of such organisms are therefore conceivable as follows:

1- In the mineral phase: Chemical elements to proper minerals. For example lime, sand etc. 
2- In the vegetable phase: Primitive and simple plants, for example algae.
3- In the animal phase: Primitive and simple animals, for example thrichoplaxes. 
4- In the human phase: People who do not possess a heavenly soul (Quantum Cloud), either temporarily or for life. Such people, who are very rare, are described in Ostad Elahi's works and are called " earthly body - earthly soul" because of the possession of the only human (Basharic) Q-cloud and because of the absence of the heavenly Q-cloud

The "Interphase Biobridges" are proof of the fact that the perfection process of the terrestrial quantum clouds is a gradual, uninterrupted, stepped, ascending process, which continues in four turning points each time from the highest level of a phase to the lowest level of a higher phase until the goal, namely the human quantum cloud, is reached. Biological differences between plants and animals

                    The difference between plant and animal Q-clouds can be recognized by biological differences. This means that, all changes in the Q cloud, which are acquired through very long experience with matter in the plant phase, enable it, together with other mature analogous and homologous Q clouds, to form an animal potential that is capable of reading even complicated DNA sections. In simple terms, body organs and tissue structure in animals are more complex than in plants. In contrast to plants, animals are not firmly connected to the soil. They are generally eukaryotic creatures that do not obtain their energy through photosynthesis, but need oxygen to breathe. Furthermore, they are heterotrophic (i.e. they feed on other organisms) for energy and material gain, whereas plants are autotrophic (self feeding). Most animals can move actively and have sense organs that make hunting possible. In addition, there are many cellular differences and one central difference, which is, plants have no nervous system and no brain. 

Just by looking at the above examples, one can imagine how advanced and functional an animal potential is compared to a plant potential.

Deed of the article:
Research and study:
Faramarz Tabesh
The book "Biology of the Quantum Dimension"
Archiving code:OstadElahi_FaramarzTabesh_hkdlhg tdc ähvj j, 
Next subject: Diversity of varieties of a breed
           Combination of framework and growth

 Article No. 25

 Lesson 20
2.1.4 Animal phase (ϑ): Quantum clouds (souls) and animals 

Part 1

Audio format article for the visually impaired at the bottom of the page

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All articles at this institute have certificates. In particular, this article also has a special code. To use this article, which will be published for the first time, you will need to provide the full certificate, including the name of the researcher, source and archive code, in your work. Otherwise you can be prosecuted.
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Research institute: Andishe online Germany

  The following sections are not presented here, because these contains very important information that I don’t want to publish at this time and in this way.
  I thank you for your understanding.

  Sections: Appearance of instinctive characteristics Schematic diagram of the animal maturation process Obligatory perfection process of the terrestrial quantum clouds Third mathematical summary

The objective of this phase: 

- Combination of scaffolding and growth
- Development of the organs
- Appearance of the instinctive characteristics
Animals reproduce, just like many plants, by recombination of the maternal and paternal chromosomes, which takes place during cell division, meiosis.
There are two types of cell division, namely; mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis occurs exclusively in eukaryotic cells. The genetic material of a cell is distributed exactly to two daughter cells. Mitosis is a regular cell division, e.g. during growth or healing of a wound, where the DNA is doubled by the replication process in the S phase [1]. However, we do not intend to further examine this type of cell division. What we are interested in, however, is knowing how a Q cloud generates the new generation, which is why we are concentrating on the cell division of meiosis, which only involves the gametes, although all activities of the cell cycle are also controlled by the associated Q cloud.

Since it is still an instinctive maturation process, whose material appearance is very complex from a certain level of the plant phase onwards, in the second phase of the Big Bang, before time zero[2], a construction map, namely the DNA sequences, was attached to every organism, which was actually determined by the "intelligence networks 1" as a signpost.
This can be seen as an important aid for the Q clouds of primal electron and primal fermions (Mahiaat and the 11 companions), so that the Q clouds can more easily complete their experiences with the structure of matter in different ways, and thereby quickly achieve their goal, namely the rank of the human Q cloud.

There is a very complicated thing to consider here, which must be understood, otherwise you cannot understand the meaning of the whole procedure. This concerns the fact that the bodies of all organisms were present as models in the first generation, only the    Q-clouds had to build up their specific bodies according to the information of the DNA themselves from the second generation, in order to be able to make contact and interact with the material world. Their task is to be able to recognize and attract the stabilizing forces and also to recognize and repel the destabilizing forces. Through this process, at the end of each sequence, level and phase, experienced and energetic potentials are generated again and again, which at the end lead to the creation of a perfect, unique, highly stable human (Basharic) Q-cloud, of which there is only one specimen, but with various characteristics. It is a masterpiece of nature, although, according to the current state of natural sciences, there is not enough knowledge about it.

More vividly speaking, the Q clouds need the earthly bodies to become familiar with the material environmental factors, otherwise they will not be able to achieve the goal.

A direct contact with the material world is only possible for the Q-clouds (souls) when they greatly reduce their frequency and thus their speed, which is painful for them and therefore impossible. Furthermore, the reduction of speed means the conversion of the soul energy into mass, which is possible in small doses, but impossible in higher doses, as the Q-cloud becomes very weak and   non-functional. 

In the relationship between a Q-cloud and its associated body, a Q-cloud is always the promoter and the DNA sequences, i.e. genes, signposts and proteins are the performers. Progress of quantum clouds in two ways
                In order to make it easier to analyse the meaning of the process of perfection and to present it in a more understandable way, I have so far examined the subject from only one aspect. But the process of perfection in the animal phase is somewhat more complex than the last two phases, because the next generation Q clouds have a specific direct relationship with the genes. A process that requires appropriate clarification.

First of all, I must point out that the mature plant potentials are capable of producing only a very simple, primitive animal life form in a whole, but to form complicated animals, they need the help of genes.

An example:
Imagine a monkey picking a banana from a tree and eating it. As we know, this banana has a Q-cloud whose maturation process results in a physical maturation process, but the Q-cloud itself is part of the Q-cloud of the tree. In this case, we are dealing with the following two processes, which are connected but separate from each other:

A) Bounded Q clouds: 
     The banana eaten by our monkey also has a Q cloud, but not a final ripening potential, as the maturation process is not yet           complete. This Q-cloud is attracted by the monkey's Q-cloud, enriching and strengthening it.
B) Free Q clouds: 
     However, the potential expected for this plant race is created at the end of its process of perfection on the last plant level. After       this phase process is completed, the Q cloud reaches the decay phase, and again there are two possibilities for the potential           that develops from this:

a) It is attracted by other more or less similar potentials to form a new Q cloud from the very first animal sequence of the first level.     In this case, the main maturation process continues either underground or in water. A primitive animal is created.
   With this possibility, it is necessary to discuss some things, namely the fact that those species of animals that do not have               chromosomes are very rare or even non-existent, and this for the reason that the chromosomes cannot be formed by any               quantum cloud. Basically, only case B comes into question, and case A only remains as a theoretical possibility if scientists should     at some point find an animal life form without a chromosome that can be put into the animal phase.

b) For the most part, the same potentials of the existing maturation possibility merge with many others to form a new Q cloud for       the new generation. In this case, the chromosomes of the gametes are an appropriate foundation. These potentials play a major     role in the maturation of the sperm and egg cells of the associated animal. 

   We will discuss this topic more intensively on the following pages.

[1] The synthesis phase is the second phase of the interphase, in which the replication of the chromatids or the DNA takes place.
[2] This will be interpreted later. 

Deed of the article:
Research and study:
Faramarz Tabesh
The book "Biology of the Quantum Dimension"
Archiving code: OstadElahi_FaramarzTabesh_hkdlhg tdc #hvj ,hk 
Next subject: Interphase biobridges
           Biological differences between plants and animals